I just want to tell you and the other pistolsmiths at Ithaca thanks for building an outstanding 1911 for me.
I bought my pistol new at Cabelas in Ft. Worth, TX. I have owned several 1911s over the past 25 years, all of which have been from well-known, quality manufacturers. Your pistol is the best I have owned by a wide margin. Although 1911s all basically look and feel the same, you have put together some of the small details that make my 1911 an excellent shooter and a joy to own.

The picture I attached shows a target after I shot an entire box of 50 rounds through it. I shot that target at 15 yards shortly after purchasing the pistol. It was the best 50 round group that I had ever shot in my life at that distance, and the only target I have ever kept. Since then, I have almost always been able to keep all my shots touching at 15 yards. When I decided that your pistol was a keeper, I took it to my gunsmith so he could install fixed sights. I liked the original sights, I just prefer fixed. He is a very experienced 1911 gunsmith that has worked on numerous very expensive 1911s and built some nice 1911s himself. It was the first modern Ithaca 1911 he had seen. He ended up taking the whole pistol apart just to look it over and said that the guy putting it together really knows what he is doing. He told me all the little things were done right and it is as nicely manufactured as any 1911 he had ever examined.
This spring I entered a local IDPA style match. It was the first shooting match I had ever entered. I took second place out of 8 in the 1911 category for overall score, and took second place out of the entire group of 32 for accuracy. The only person that beat me for accuracy was a very accomplished revolver shooter. If I knew how to do a fast mag change and knew how to shoot on the move I would have won the 1911 division in my first ever match.
I had less invested in my 1911 than most other 1911 match shooters, and some of the guys I beat had pistols with over $3000 invested. Maybe it was beginners luck, but a bunch of guys took a hard look at my 1911 after the match and several wanted to shoot it. I was the only person there with people looking over his gun after the match. My gun shoots all of the ball style ammunition great, but I have settled in primarily on reloads using Berry’s 185 grain HBRN with 4.4 grains of Hodgdon’s Clays. It is John Markwell’s “Geezer Load”. http://www.berrysmfg.com/upload/pdfs/Geezer%20Load%20-%20Markwell.pdf I use a 16 lb recoil spring for these loads, and switch to a 18.5 lb spring if I am shooting heavier loads. I have shot several thousands rounds now and it is holding up well.
I now also have an Ithaca 16 gauge shotgun that I bought at the Ft Worth Cabelas. I’ve sold most of my other pistols, sold my 16 gauge Citori, and really enjoy shooting my Ithacas. I really don’t know why everyone who wants to pay a bit extra for a nicer 1911 doesn’t buy an Ithaca.
Thank you very much! Keith G. – Denton. TX
Thought I would drop you a line to let you know how very pleased I am with a recent acquisition of my Ithaca 1911 and let you know what a beautiful .45 this is. I also bought the optional case to case it in.
I’ve owned all Colt throughout my lifetime and was considering buying a Colt NM when my local dealer had this in his inventory. It has the perfect setup and the quality is second to none. Congratulations! Some day soon I will take it to the range for some serious shooting.
My compliments to all who had a hand in building this pistol.
Paul Hawver
I have a complaint.
About a year ago I purchased one of your 20 gauge Model 37 Featherlights as a all weather/back-up gun to my expensive double barrels. In using your Model 37 for hunting I found that I am hitting more birds with it than I was with my side by sides. In fact, when I go hunting I find myself reaching for the Model 37 more often than my other guns.
Because of this I think you should put a written warning on your guns that alerts a buyer that they might not be as happy with their other shotguns once they have shot yours. It just doesn’t seem fair that I should like your shotgun better than I do the guns I have invested considerably more money in.
Best regards,
Jay Cutler
Looking forward to a custom order soon on a Deerslayer 2 and I’m also interested in a work order to check out an older Ithaca pump action shotgun and change safety to left hand. I must not forget to mention how Zac has been a huge help in the 2 conversations I have with him and I appreciate his expertise to my questions as I am new to joining the Ithaca bandwagon! Most of all it is a pleasure to know I will be dealing with a company that promotes and is truly 100 percent MADE and or REPAIRED IN THE USA !!!
Thank You,
Kenneth Wood
I received my Model 37 back from your repair/service dept. this morning. The box you shipped it in was well insulated with foam and arrived completely undamaged. I was expecting a quality repair job from Ithaca. You are known for that. It looks really great. I was “hoping” not expecting you’d replace the screws in the receiver that had the messed up slots. You did! Thank you.
The stock and fore end are even polished up. Looks really good. Thank you. Also thanks for cleaning the action. For all this work and shipping the cost was more than reasonable. Thank you.
Can’t wait to go out and shoot some Clay birds, and next hunting season take it out to shoot at some real birds. I wish I could purchase your Over and Under shotgun, but on a retired person’s income it may take a long time to save up.
Appreciatively yours,
Wayne Sakai
Chino Hills, CA
Three generations of Springers, 3 birds, my Ithaca M37 20 ga. and a day in the field.
It doesn’t get any better.
Terry W Kerton

OK, wow!
I watched Shooting USA on 12/28/11 and you gave us just a sneek peek at your new overunder shotgun. When will it be avaliable and what will be the cost and delivery time. When will it be available on your website?
Thanks for giving us a “made in the USA” option.
David McIlwain
Winter Haven, Fl
Gentlemen, Bravo!
It’s wonderful to see a gun manufacturer who’s mission statement is to revive quality guns from our past…truly an American custom and a worthy endeavor!
I was very impressed with the merge of modern fabricating processes with old world design and quality.
Also, I’m anxiously awaiting the marketing of your over/under shotgun and am confident that it will encompass the same high standard of craftsmanship!
Hats off to Ithaca Gun Co. for understanding a much needed market niche in a world of plastics, composites, and alloys, and for bravely making these beautiful guns a reality in a challenging economic environment.
Old is new…and even better!
John Carr
I purchased a Browning BPS 20 gauge two months ago and I have tried every slug I can find except Remington Accu-tip. I couldn’t get it to group better then 5-6 “.
I called Browning and they said 4-6″ group at 100 yds. was normal ( put that in your advertisement and see how many you sell). I have spent 300+ dollars on slugs.
Now to the point. I just purchased a Deerslayer 3 ( 20 gauge) and after 7 shots it is sighted in and clover leafing at 100yds with 3” Winchester Slugs and Federal Fusion Slugs and these are the only two I tried so far.
Now I just don’t know what to do since this gun shoots so well and I don’t have to waste money on this or that slug.
Do yourself a favor and if you want an accurate slug gun get this and be done with it.
Willie Scott
To All At Ithaca,
We finally got out to the range to test the recent repair that you performed to Denise Yeager’s Ladies Stock Model 37 . The smile on her face told the whole story.
The gun ran flawlessly chewing through Winchester and Federal shells without missing a beat. Sorry I did not take a camera! We are both very happy with our purchase and with your service.
One word describes our shotguns and your company. Excellence!
The Shooting USA special was great. We enjoyed seeing the level of detail and commitment that goes into every Ithaca Shotgun. I am saving for my Phoenix.
Thank You and Happy New Year.
Lee Yeager
This doe was shot with my Ithaca M 37 Featherlight.
I love the way Ithaca shotguns shoot and am very proud to own one.
My lab I named after my gun, “Ithaca’s Mississippi Belle”.
Robin McConnell

In a day and time when service and politeness are rare, it has been a pleasure doing business with you. My purchase is for my 9 year old son who started bird hunting last year with a popular brand of youth shotgun that I knew he would outgrow quickly. Like many parents, I did not want to spend top dollar on a top shotgun until I was convinced that my son was most likely on his way to being a lifetime shooter/hunter. We bird hunt like some families play little league….we take it serious. My son, by the way, is left handed. The ability to buy a lightweight shotgun with a 26″ barrell and the ATI stock created the opportunity for me to give my son a gun a comfortable gun to shoot that not only could he grow into, but also use as an adult with the change over to the factory stock. Also, the ability for a left hand safety is awesome.
In talking with other people with children that are learning to shoot and hunt, it was obvious that no one was aware that what I have purchased for my son was available. I think Ithaca has a tremendous opportunity to market youth shotguns and I know there is a market. Just try googling “youth Shotguns” and you will see limited products that will only fit a child for a short period. Also, many of the youth guns are limited to very short barrels, which have no use for bird hunting. I am looking forward to delivery and watching my son break it in.
Tony Mitchell
Licensed Real Estate Sales Person, FL & AL
Please find attached two pictures; one of myself, my sons Jim and Mike, and the other of my daughter Sara.
As you can see, not only are we are all hunting with Ithaca model 37s, but most of these guns are at least 40 years old. (mine was my dads bought in the late 40’s early 50’s) What better testament to the craftsmanship quality, and reliability of an Ithaca than to see these guns being used flawlessly for three generations of hunters!!
We’ve used them for hunting everything from pheasant and rabbits to white tail deer. All of us taking our first pheasants, rabbits and deer with an Ithaca. In my daughters case her first pheasant was taken using a 20 gauge model 37 FeatherIight I bought for her at a local gun show. The smile on her face says it all and now she’s hooked thanks to Ithaca.
Thanks for continuing to make a great product. The proof is in the pictures!! Don’t give up on the quality or the all American parts. I hope you can use these in testifying and promoting what I consider to be the best all a round shot gun in America.
Sincerely, Stan, Jim, Mike, and Sara Smolucha

My father had an Ithaca 37 that he bought used, hunted and shot on a skeet team for years with. My father passed away almost 30 years ago and I now have his old 37, which I hunt with every year. A dump truck could not haul away all the spent shell this gun has fired and it still shots perfect. I have since purchased 9 other early model 37 one of which was manufactured in 1937.
I have owned several shotguns from other manufacturers, none of which I felt were anywhere near the quality of the Model 37s. I’m in my 60s and live in the middle of Pheasant County and I hunt almost daily during the season. My Model 37s get a real workout and never fail me. That’s more than I can say for the other brands I have owned.
My son is also a true Ithaca shooter and between him and I Ithaca are the only guns we own. I just wanted to say keep up the good work and quality in your manufacturing.
Jeff Christie
Just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with my new 1911. Brought it home a week ago and never got the chance to fire it till yesterday.
This is a very well crafted pistol. I shot at the end of a big chunk of white ash aiming at the very center at about 21 feet using two hand hold. First shot was off a little but still at 4 inches from center. That was to be expected, new piece to me and all.
The next 5 shots made only 3 holes dead center at aim point and I covered the three holes with a silver dollar. I am a craftsman in my field. Not much impresses me any more but your team of craftsmen impress me with their quality of perfection.
Thank you for a very fine specimen of good ole American pride in workmanship.
Taken from a Shotgunworld.com posting:
I picked up my new Ithaca M37 made in Upper Sandusky, Ohio today at my local gun dealer’s shop. Boy am I pleased I ordered this gun. The fit and finish of the metal and wood is extremely nice, and the figure of the wood far exceeded what I expected for their standard wood. One would think I had paid for upgraded wood. The engraving is not rolled or stamped, it looks as though it was laser engraved.
The overall impression I had of this Ohio made M37 is that it simply exudes quality. It is just downright gorgeous, and it is a pump gun I am proud to own. In regards to some of the comments I have read about the price of this gun, all I can say is that you get what you pay for. I also look at it as my sentimental investment towards what is important to me.
As an Ithaca lover from the late 60’s, I truly appreciate all that the Marshall family has done to keep this quality American gun company alive. I’m sure there are others that also truly deserve to be thanked as well, especially the new owner. I’m sorry I didn’t ask for his or her name so that I could give this thanks properly by addressing them by name. So they will simply have to settle for the best way I can truly extend my appreciation, and that will be ordering a Model 37 in every gauge Ithaca makes in the future !!!
Here’s to wishing Ithaca Guns USA a long and successful run in the 21st century, and may Ithaca’s name long be associated with quality firearms manufactured in the U.S.A. Be safe, shoot straight, and have fun.
A really pleased customer!